Features of Quality Care
Home and Long Term Care
Follow-up care after discharge is a primary concern for patients with chronic conditions and their families. CMMC home care program was started in 1992 to deliver long-term and continuous care; In-home services began in 2017. CMMC expanded its services by establishing an Adult Day Care Center (Level A Community Integrated Services Center), Dementia Care Center and serveral community offices for dementia outreach services in 2018.
The home care team consisting of nurses, doctors, and other health professionals has provided holistic care, including family assessment and hospice care, to about 560 residents in the southern Tainan. In 2014, the care project on reducing the incidence of pressure sores in home care has received a Bronze Award in the Healthcare Quality Improvement Campaign. In 2018, the innovative care projects that the team has developed, such as the magnetic needle box and multi-functional walking stick, have won the Bronze and Golden Awards in the Taiwan Innovation and Design Competition and Taiwan Innotech Expo, respectively.
The in-home respite care services provided by the team were accredited as "Excellence" by the Tainan City Government for the delivery of comprehensive and integrated care.
The Chi Mei Fuhua Adult Day Care Center, located on the second floor of the Fuhua multiuse community center in Yongkang, provides a number of care plans, such as personal care, daily living training, and art & craft activities. There are physical therapists and doctors providing on-site consultation and care. Approximately 37 seniors receive the services per month.
Chi Mei Level A Community Integrated Services Center is staffed with three case managers who are in charge of conducting home visit assessment for better understanding the needs of the case and integrating resources; nearly 550 community residents have received our services.
The CMMC long-term care program has expanded its services to include dementia care, with Dementia Care Center and community offices providing diagnosis, referral, follow-up, consultation, personal care, respite care, and health promotion services.