Chi Mei Medical Center Patient Guide

Make an appointment

Period Outpatient clinic hours Clinic appointment
Monday through Friday
09:00 am ~ 12:00 pm 08:00 am ~ 11:30 am
14:00 pm ~ 17:00 pm 13:00 pm ~ 16:30 pm
18:00 pm ~ 21:00 pm 17:00 pm ~ 20:30 pm
Saturday 09:00 am ~ 12:00 pm 08:00 am ~ 11:30 am


Period Registering machine Internet registering
Monday through Sunday 07:30 am ~ 22:00 pm 24 hours
Please note that:
  1. If this is your 1st time to Visit our clinic, you can still register an appointment on-line.
  2. You are welcome to schedule appointments within 42 Days.
  3. When you come to registration counter please bring your residence permit(passport) and health insurance card.

住院須知 Hospitalization Reminder

您接到辦理住院通知後,請您依服務人員通知的報到時間,攜帶健保IC卡 、身分證及住院許可證到住院組報到。
After you have received the hospitalization notice, take your National Health Insurance Card, ID Card and hospitalization Admission Certificate to the Admissions Center to process your admission.
If you cannot come to hospital on time or have any questions, please contact our Admissions Center at the numbers below.
Tel. No: 06-2812811
Mon. ~ Fri.
Sunday & National Holidays
08:00~12:00 分機 Ext. 53201~4 分機 Ext. 53201~4 分機 Ext. 53201~4
12:00~13:00 分機 Ext. 53201~4 分機 Ext. 53201~4  
13:00~17:00 分機 Ext. 53201~4 分機 Ext. 53201~4  
17:00~20:30 分機 Ext. 53201~4    

The hospital provides a general meal (meat & vegetables). Please make a reservation with your nurse.
Daily meal times:
早餐 Breakfast 午餐 Lunch 晚餐 Dinner
07:00 ~ 08:00 11:30 ~ 12:30 16:30 ~ 17:30

Application for medical report or certificate

出生證明 Birth Certificate
  • 中文版:每份50元 / Chinese:NTD 50 Per set
  • 請家屬攜帶新生兒之父親及母親身分證(配偶欄須登記完整)或戶口名簿之正本至1樓住院組申請。
    Father & mother of the neonate must bring original ID Card (with name of spouse printed on card) or household registration and apply at the Admissions Center on the 1st floor.
  • 英文版:每份100元 / English:NTD 100 Per set
  • 請持中文出生證明或父母親身分證或戶口名簿至1樓住院組申請,因需打字故需2-3天。
    Bring birth certificate in Chinese or father’s & mother’s ID Card or household registration and apply at the Admissions Center on the 1st floor. 2-3 days required for processing.
死亡證明 Death Certificate
  • 中文版:每份50元 / Chinese:NTD 50 Per set
  • 請帶死亡患者之身分證正本或戶口名簿正本及前來申請家屬之身份證件至1樓住院組申請。
    Please bring the original ID card of the deceased, household registration or family’s ID Cards (or any documents that can demonstrate a familial relationship with the deceased) and apply at the Admissions Center on the 1st floor.
  • 英文版:每份100元 / English:NTD 100 Per set
  • 持中文死亡證明書或可證明為相關親屬證件(如身份證、戶口名簿)至1樓住院組申請,因需打字故需時2-3天。
    Bring Death Certificate or any documents that can demonstrate a familial relationship with the deceased (such as ID Card or household registration) and apply at the Admissions Center on the 1st floor. 2-3 days required for processing.
    *In the case of death from other than natural causes, our hospital is not permitted to issue a Death Certificate. Please apply for a death certificate at the local Dept of Health or Prosecutor’s Office using our Diagnosis Type B.
乙種診斷書 Medical diagnostic report
  • 中文版:每份120元 / Chinese:NTD 120 Per set
  • 英文版:每份300元 / English:NTD 300 Per set
  • 一般:請先掛號,於門診時向主治醫師提出欲申請之證明種類,由醫師寫好後至門診批價處批價,再至1樓住院組加蓋關防印章。
    【Outpatient/Emergency】Make an appointment first. Inform your doctor to issue the application for the desired diagnostic report. After receiving the application pay for the report at the cashier’s counter on the first floor and then obtain the hospital stamp at the Admissions Center.
  • 住院中:請患者或家屬向病房所在護理站提出申請,由醫師寫好後再至1樓住院組付費並加蓋關防印章。
    【Inpatient】The patient or a family member (or friend) makes the application at nursing station responsible for the patient. After receiving the application pay for the report at the cashier’s counter on the first floor and then obtain the hospital stamp at the Admissions Center.
    *If discharged from the hospital, please refer to the Outpatient/Emergency method.
住院收據副本 Hospitalization receipt copy
  • 每份30元 / NTD 30 Per set
  • 在出院繳費結清後,持患者身分證件至1樓住院組申請。
    After all payments are completed, bring the patient’s ID Card and apply at the Admissions Center on the 1st floor.
申請時間 Application time
  • 週一至週五08:00~20:00
    Monday to Friday 08:00~20:00
  • 週六08:00~16:30
    Saturday 08:00~16:30
  • 週日及國定假日08:00~11:30
    Sunday & National Holiday 08:00~11:30

本院繳款方式:Welcome to our inpatient billing

Permitted to prepay at inpatient Payment counter after admission. You will be are funded or asked to pay for the difference if discharged.
For bank remittance, please present – the recipient account an in traditional Chinese characters : 奇美醫療財團法人奇美醫院;the bank name and account number:Bank number and account. Bank of Taiwan , Tainan Branch Account #:009001164467
For postal remittance, please identify – the recipient account name is Chinese characters : 奇美醫療財團法人奇美醫院;the recipient account number. 00338871.Bring the counter you remittance receipt if discharged.
請至中國信託任一有繳費功能之ATM,插入金融卡,使用「繳費」功能建交易, 銀行代碼822,繳款帳號95777+病歷號碼(8碼)共13碼,輸入正確的繳費金額(不受非約轉三萬限制),完成繳費後請保留交易收據。
Please go to China Trust Commercial Bank have any payment function ATM , insert the debit card, please use the 繳費 it means payment ) function key transactions, Bank Code 822, payment account number 95777+ medical records number (8 year) form 13 yards, enter the correct payment amount (thirty thousand dollars form non-consensual transfer restrictions), complete the payment, please keep the transaction recipe.
Debit Card
Credit Card

Hospital Charges

Out-patient Medical Expenses(Health care costs)

Registration fee:NTD 140
Total Drug Fee Copayment
General public Household with low and middle income proved or person with physical disabled
NTD 100 below NTD 10 NTD 0
NTD 101~200 NTD 20
NTD 201~300 NTD 40
NTD 301~400 NTD 60
NTD 401~500 NTD 80
NTD 501~600 NTD 100
NTD 601~700 NTD 120
NTD 701~800 NTD 140
NTD 801~900 NTD 160
NTD 901~1000 NTD 180
NTD 1001~1100 NTD 200 NTD 200
(NTD1000 above)
NTD 1101~1200 NTD 220
NTD 1201~1300 NTD 240
NTD 1301~1400 NTD 260
NTD 1401~1500 NTD 280
NTD 1500 above NTD 300

Emergency medical expenses

Item Self-paid Health care costs
Registration fee NTD 240 NTD 240
Co-payment NTD 0 NTD 450