

Confinement (Postpartum) Meal

  • 每日菜單內容皆依營養師開立菜單供膳,搭配中醫師為產後媽媽診脈後處方依個別化調養,調整食材、湯品或茶飲。
    Each meal is prepared according to the menu prepared by the nutritionist. A TCM physician will also diagnose the pulse of postpartum mothers, and we will adjust the ingredients, soup or tea according to each individual’s prescriptions.
  • 菜單調配依照產婦產後三階段身體代謝變化,設計相對應之調養菜單,主要以適量熱量及高蛋白兼顧均衡營養,足以哺餵新生兒所需之熱量供應。
    The menu is designed based on the 3 stages of postpartum metabolic changes and adjusted accordingly. The meals are focused on balanced nutrition with moderate calories and high protein. They meet the caloric and nutritional needs of newborns.
  • 每日菜單內容包括三正餐及三點心,供應產婦個別化餐飲內容,每餐有雙主菜、二樣半葷素及一樣青菜供應,每餐提供一份湯燉品,午晚餐水果供應,午點及晚點提供甜點及茶飲(養生茶、養肝茶、杜仲水、黑豆水等),依個人飲水量需求免費提供。
    The daily menu consists of three main meals and three snacks according to the personalized dietary guidelines provided by the nutritionist. Each meal has two entrees, with meat and vegetarian options, a vegetable dish, and soup. There will be fruit, dessert and tea for lunch and dinner.(nourishing tea, Eucommia water, black bean water, etc.)
  • 依照產後哺乳、個別營養需求及用餐習慣,提供個別化之供膳模式。
    Each meal can also be adjusted for each individual’s breastfeeding schedule and needs.